You know who pisses me off? Forta Whitaker. I CANNOT stand his eye.

I recently watched "Vantage Point" and although it was a pretty good movie, him and THAT EYE bothered the shit outta me. I just couldn't stop looking at it. I was like how in the hell is peering into that camera? Can he see what's on the other end?? Oh, y'all, me and Forta ain't gon make it. Looking at his eye makes me realize why the servant in "Tell-Tale Heart" killed the old man. (By the way, that is a story by Edgar Allan Poe) In this short story, (very short) this servant kills his master, an old man, just because the man had a bad eye. It said that it was just too annoying and that it peered into his soul. Well, Forta's eye don't do all that to me, but it does bug the shit outta me. I just wanna buy him an eye patch. *shivers*
And have y'all seen his beautiful ass wife? Ain't no way in hell she married this Negro because she just fell in love with him! I need to know the background on this meeting because it looks like beauty and the beast again. Beauty is poor and down on her luck. Beast is powerful with lots of money. Beauty says, "Fuck it, I rather sleep with as beast than have a hungry wallet."Beast is excited that he has met Beauty, because he knows deep down inside that if he wasn't rich - he wouldn't even get to smell the punanny on Beauty!! So it all works out!! Another classic Donald Trump and Melania Knauss case!!!!
And in the midst of trying to write this damn blog, I was trying to post a pic of Forta and his wife, and dumb ass blogspot won't allow me too. FUCKERS!!!! *beats head on desk* Ooo, it is NOT my day!!! I'm bored as hell, I hate my hair, I have to wash clothes, I'm still trying to sell this damn shih tzu I have, and then blogpsot is acting a DAMN FOOL!!! Fuck Forta. *faints* I can't go on....
Well on a lighter note, Hurricane Gustav is scheduled to hit on my birthday! That's right. The Hurricane that will devastate my fellow Americans is going to tear some shit up all in honor of me. I told y'all I was gonna bump like this! But hopefully, it doesn't bring too much rain on Saturday night, because I am hitting up a night spot. Me, Pierre, T.Nook and her choice drunken crew will all be in the place to be.
Why do people say "the place to be"? The place to be is always somewhere where you have to spend all ya damn money and look real good to impress people who don't give a shit about you anyways. LMAO. Man - the place to be was getting those FEMA checks 3 years ago when Katrina hit. The place to be was waiting in front of yo damn mailbox when those stimulus checks came through. The place to be is the damn bank once your direct deposit hits. Whew! Now those were "the place to be". Not sweating ya weave out, trying to pose cute at a club, waiting for to take your tired ass picture, so you can run and post it on facebook that night to look like you have a life. LMAOOO - I ain't hatin. Y'all know I would be posing in them pics too if I went to the club. LOL
Don't you hate when people do that? Hate on you for something you're doing - when you know they would totally do it? LOL and I hate when people go around talking about who has a life and who doesn't. And I'm thinking to myself - People with lives have no idea who doesn't have a life because they don't give a shit enough to find out!!!
Well, I'm signing off. I'm sick of typing for today. I feel like I'm getting carpel tunnel.